As a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the State of Vermont was presented with an opportunity to advance $6-million of improvements at the EF Knapp State Airport. Airport improvements included: parallel taxiway extensions, runway 5-23 reconstruction, terminal apron area reconstruction and expansion, and runway lighting and signage improvements.
To meet the aggressive deadlines established by the funding requirements, the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) had to devise a method to fast-track the NEPA clearance, complete the contract documents, prepare the front end documents, and bid and award the contract.
VTrans utilized DuBois & King to provide services typically provided from within the Agency. VTrans was able to satisfy ARRA requirements, fulfill its FAA obligations, and meet its own requirements for construction oversight by using D&K for resident engineer and inspector, and for construction administration services. This project delivery method was a first for the Agency.
DuBois & King provided services to fast-track the completion of the Environmental Assessment (EA) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Environmental Assessment was completed within 5 weeks. The FAA issued the FONSI 3 weeks later.
The project was the first to use FAA specifications and front end documents for a state aviation project; the first to use a consultant to prepare front end documents, advertise, distribute plans and specifications, review bids, recommend for award, and prepare the notice of award and notice to proceed; and a the first to use a consultant for full construction phase services, including resident engineering, inspection, and administration.
Professional Services
NEPA Environmental Assessment
Review of final plans
Prepared front end documents and technical specifications
Prepared bid advertisement and distributed plans/specs
Arranged for and assisted in conducting prebid conference
Reviewed bids received and made recommendations for award
Prepared notice of award and contract for execution
Prepared notice to proceed
Full-time resident engineer
Monitored environmental permit compliance
Construction administration
Quality control material sampling and testing