
Connor Homes Brownfield Remediation


D&K provided post-remediation soil, groundwater, and indoor air monitoring at a site contaminated with chlorinated solvents from the site’s former use as a printing facility. Water quality parameters are measured to monitor bioremediation progress. The site is enrolled in the state’s BRELLA (Brownfields) program and cleanup funding is provided from insurance coverage. Services include sub-slab depressurization system monitoring, maintenance and operation, and monitoring and sampling of a diffuser treatment system to remove chlorinated solvents from discharged water.

VELCO SPCC-Vermont Electric Power Company


DuBois & King provided SPCC planning for several substations and other facilities to inventory all oil containers and oil containing equipment and assess: applicability of regulations, local drainage conditions, and facility conformance with SPCC regulatory requirements. D&K staff prepared a field sketch at each location and CADD facility diagram showing the location and capacity of each regulated oil container, soil characteristics, anticipated direction of drainage flow if an oil release were to occur, access roads, security fencing, north arrow, drainage structures, secondary containment structures, surface water bodies, wetlands, adjoining land uses, and other pertinent features. Each site was identified on a roadmap to facilitate locating on a USGS map and to further assess potential drainage pathways.

D&K developed narrative SPCC Plans for 32 substations, Pinnacle Ridge Road facility, Wenlock Service Center facility, and one mobile substation operation. Coordination with the owner included previously adopted spill response procedures, call lists, spill cleanup equipment, preferred spill response contractors, inspection protocols, security procedures, employee training programs, and other requirements. Firm engineers provided recommendations for modifications of systems and procedures not in conformance with SPCC regulatory requirements; conceptual design recommendations for new structures; identified modifications or upgrades required; and determined a schedule for completion of modifications and upgrades.

Additional design services were provided relating to construction at Blissville, Tafts Corner (Williston), Highgate, St. Johnsbury, Irasburg, and New Haven. Where upgrades involve installation of new oil containing equipment, substantive changes to secondary containment structures, and/or modifications of site drainage patterns, D&K staff prepared revision to substation plans addressing that facility.

Montpelier-Berlin Pathway Hazardous Materials Assessment and Planning


DuBois & King investigated a section of the proposed Montpelier-Berlin Shared Use Pathway—a 2.1-mile-long, 10-ft-wide pathway currently under design—for possible soil contamination. D&K environmental engineers provided soil sampling at the site of a former auto maintenance facility that provided oil undercoating and is adjacent to historic and current railroad activities. Services include design and oversight of a soil boring plan in proposed stormwater treatment areas. If the investigation determines that soil contamination has occurred, the D&K project team will develop a DEC-approved work plan to address the contamination.

Whiting Country Store Corrective Action Feasibility Investigation (CAFI)


D&K completed a supplemental subsurface investigation using UVOST infrared technology at a former gasoline UST site with free product to define the source area. The project included Geoprobe soil borings and groundwater monitoring wells to evaluate the contaminant plume extent and a vapor intrusion air sampling program. D&K prepared a Petroleum Cleanup Fund (PCF) reimbursement request and completed a Corrective Action Feasibility Investigation (CAFI) work plan for remediation of the source area. Services also included a topographic site survey, an off-site investigation, and Corrective Action Planning.

Brownfield Remediation


D&K planned and implemented soil remediation activities at a former light industrial site that is in the NYSDEC’s Brownfield Cleanup Program. Services included development and implementation of a community air monitoring plan, remedial work plans, soil excavation, drilling and soil sampling, soil gas sampling, and a final engineering report. D&K collaborated with the DEC and stakeholders in public involvement processes. The site will be redeveloped for residential housing with a parking garage.