
Top Ridge Development


Civil/site design for Top Ridge development, an existing development of single-family and duplex-style homes. Permit application and Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control (EPSC) Plan for the construction of Units #30, 31 & 34 – 39. Project involves site work for an existing duplex construction of eight duplex style buildings near upper end of Glissade Drive, each with an approximate footprint of 2,025 square feet and a small parking area. Two driveways (approximately 450 and 300 feet long) provide access from Glissade Drive to the parking areas in front of the units. Additional construction activities include realignment of upper portion of Glissade Drive, installation of water & sewer utilities, side slope grading, retaining walls, driveway culverts, an overflow parking area, and stone-lined ditches.

Construction services for stormwater basins and associated inlet and outlet channels, as part of the overall project’s stormwater management plan and were constructed during the summer per an agreement with the ANR Stormwater section.

Green Mountain Stock Farm


Site planning, permitting assistance, design, and cost estimating for a 78-lot subdivision including the restoration of a 100-year-old historic farmstead into an Inn and Restaurant. Designed the roads, pathways, and drainage system; water supply, storage, and distribution system; wastewater and storm runoff management systems; also responsible for the overall coordination, preparation and presentation of evidence in securing the State Land Use Permits (Act 250) for the projects. A deer winterizing/Forest Management plan was developed as part of the Act 250 process.

Partridge Farms


Planned residential development consisting of 37 single-family units and 104 multifamily units, an existing 30-unit mobile home park, and a future commercial development on 165 acres. Services included surveying, planning, site engineer­ing, assis­tance with approvals and per­mits (water and wastewater permits and State Act 250 Land Use Permit), and construction phase servic­es. Provided plans and specifica­tions for construction of site improvements consisting of earth­work, site drainage, roads, parking, water system, waste­water system (in­clud­ing a pump sta­tion), and erosion control.

VTrans Environmental Services


DuBois & King has been providing continuous environmental and permit assistance services to VTrans under consecutive retainer contracts for over 16 years. D&K has provided natural resources identification and documentation, impact assessment, mitigation design, and permit related services including all levels of NEPA documentation for complex, high profile transportation projects such as the Bennington Bypass.

Under successive contracts for General Environmental Services with VTrans, DuBois & King has provided a broad range of environmental services for transportation projects including: wildlife habitat assessment/mitigation, wetland delineation/permitting/mitigation, water quality assessment, Section 401 water quality certification, stormwater design/permitting (Section 404 and Conditional Use Determination), construction stormwater permitting, natural stream design/permitting, Act 250 assistance, Stream Alteration permitting (Title 19), visual analysis/landscape design, floodplain analysis, local site plan/conditional use approvals for mitigation sites, and construction observation/monitoring.

USDA Forest Service Kiasutha Recreational Area


Inspection, evaluation, and design of improvements to the Kiasutha Recreational Area located in the Allegheny National Forest. Performed inspections of the project site to make improvements for new campsite locations, orientation, accessibility, slopes and grading, drainage, and utility connections. Services included:

Field Survey/Data Collection. Survey and inventory/base maps.

Roadway/Transportation. Design of cul-de-sacs, new parking areas, new roadway sections, replacement of culverts, new drainage ditches, and riprap ditch lining.

Campsite Improvements. Design for improvements and construction of new campsites.

New Campground Loop. Design for new campsite loop including 20 campsites.

Site Design. Design of amphitheater, two playground areas, and accessible pathways.

Facility Improvements. Water, electric, and sewer upgrade design including shower/restroom buildings, and picnic pavilions.

Water System Improvements. Design for new waterlines and replacement of existing waterlines including new valves, stops, and water system drains.

Sewer Systems. Design for new and rehabilitation of sewer lines and manholes, correct infiltration and inflow, and new hookups for campsites.

Electrical System Improvements. Upgrade and design of new electrical services and equipment, and increased capacity upgrades.