
Vermont Federal Credit Union


Structural engineering services for the design of a new 3,000 sf single story gable roofed structure housing a branch facility for the Vermont Federal Credit Union. Services provided included structural design and construction administration. The contract documents were generated using building information model (BIM) software in collaboration with the architect of record.

USDA Forest Service Kiasutha Recreational Area


Inspection, evaluation, and design of improvements to the Kiasutha Recreational Area located in the Allegheny National Forest. Performed inspections of the project site to make improvements for new campsite locations, orientation, accessibility, slopes and grading, drainage, and utility connections. Services included:

Field Survey/Data Collection. Survey and inventory/base maps.

Roadway/Transportation. Design of cul-de-sacs, new parking areas, new roadway sections, replacement of culverts, new drainage ditches, and riprap ditch lining.

Campsite Improvements. Design for improvements and construction of new campsites.

New Campground Loop. Design for new campsite loop including 20 campsites.

Site Design. Design of amphitheater, two playground areas, and accessible pathways.

Facility Improvements. Water, electric, and sewer upgrade design including shower/restroom buildings, and picnic pavilions.

Water System Improvements. Design for new waterlines and replacement of existing waterlines including new valves, stops, and water system drains.

Sewer Systems. Design for new and rehabilitation of sewer lines and manholes, correct infiltration and inflow, and new hookups for campsites.

Electrical System Improvements. Upgrade and design of new electrical services and equipment, and increased capacity upgrades.

Sphinx Development at 1060 Hinesburg Road


Structural engineering services for the design of a new 3-story, 40,000 sf medical office building. Project was constructed using a design-build delivery system. The structure consists of structural steel beams, joists, and joist girders with conventional spread footing foundations. Project design and documentation utilized BIM with links to structural analysis software for information transfer.

Saint Michael’s College Student Center and Residence Hall


Structural design for the Saint Michael’s College Student Center and Residence Hall. The project consists of two new four-story structures with a one-story Connector Link. The approximate square footage of the Student Center, Residence Hall, and Connector Link is 39,900 sf, 43,400 sf, and 1,200 sf, respectively. The construction value of the project is $24 million.

Some of the complex design features of the Student Center building are large column free spaces, vaulted ceilings and roof lines, and a complicated exterior wall system, all requiring specialized structural framing. The primary structural design for the Student Center is moment-resisting steel frames with a composite steel floor framing system. The foundations are conventional spread footings. The exterior wall system consists of brick veneer and curtain wall requiring a complex shelf angle, hanger, and kicker-brace support system.

The Residence Hall structural framing consisted of a precast hollow-core plank floor system, braced frames for lateral load resistance, and a spread footing foundation. The gable roof is framed with light-gage steel trusses. Brick veneer and curtain wall were used for the exterior cladding system.

The project received a Grand Award in the Engineering Excellence Awards sponsored by the American Council of Engineering Companies/Vermont Section. The project was recognized as an outstanding example of engineering excellence in the category of: Buildings, Structures, and Support Systems.

Norwich University West Hall


Multidiscipline engineering services for West Hall the newest civilian residence hall on the Norwich campus. West Hall is similar to the successful South Hall civilian residence hall. D&K engineers also provided engineering and construction phase services for South Hall. Designed to accommodate 286 students, the $26 million West Hall dormitory is the second phase of a plan to create civilian housing that will eventually house 750 students and allow nearly all Norwich undergraduates to live on campus. Like South Hall, the 84,204-sf West Hall building features lounges, a game room, and facilities for exercise and laundry. It is designed to meet LEED certification guidelines for energy conservation.

DuBois & King provided site/civil, electrical, structural, and construction phase services for the 5-story, 286-bed, brick and steel framed structure with connections to municipal water and wastewater. Services included interior and exterior lighting, telecommunications design, landscape architecture, design of an infiltration percolation stormwater management system, survey, Act 250, and permitting.