Transportation Planning
Transportation investments are an opportunity for communities to set the stage for achieving their goals and visions for growth and development. DuBois & King’s transportation planning staff includes planners and engineers experienced in working with communities, agencies, and the public on a variety of transportation planning projects. Our approach to transportation planning considers public and community concerns and the important influences between land use and transportation design. Our staff is well versed in the latest innovations of multimodal land use/transportation planning, including mode share analysis for developments, evaluation of road diets, and development of Complete Streets designs. A comprehensive understanding of local transportation facilities programs and applicable federal and state permitting requirements strengthens our planning work.
Corridor Plans
Development of Street Design Guidelines
Complete Streets
Public Engagement
Municipal/Regional Multimodal Transportation Plans
Thoroughfare Planning for Form Based Code Adoption
Scoping and Alternatives Analysis
Multimodal/Traffic Impact Assessments
Analysis/Design of Intersections (Roundabouts, Signalized, and Unsignalized)
Traffic and Travel Demand Forecasting
Scenario Planning
Build-Out Analysis
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure