In the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene, many roadways throughout the State were severely damaged due to flood waters from adjacent streams and rivers. DuBois & King was tasked with designing permanent fixes to five of these areas. They include areas along VT Route 14 in Sharon, VT Route 100B in Moretown, VT Route 100 in Granville, VT Route 125 in Hancock, and areas of VT Route 125 in Ripton. Emergency repairs were made to these areas following the storm to reopen the roadways to traffic. The current focus is to provide permanent designs to stabilize the stream embankments and provide additional protection against future storm events.
Project locations received hydrological and geomorphological reviews. Stream bank protection measures were designed for each site. Roadway drainage at project locations was analyzed and updated to meet current design standards. The Hancock location includes the installation of a new buried, 14′ x 7′ concrete box culvert to alleviate potential flooding to the roadway and an adjacent residence. All proposed designs received an environmental permitting review from the State of Vermont.
Design of new guardrail systems was included, also providing additional shoulder width in many areas to increase safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. The Sharon location included an adjustment to the vertical profile of the roadway to help alleviate a substandard geometric condition. Project locations received new pavement and signage to meet current design standards.