About Us

About Us
Established in 1962, DuBois & King is a multidisciplinary consulting engineering firm providing planning, permitting, and design services for federal and state agencies, municipalities, health care and education facilities, industrial and commercial building projects, energy producers, and the telecommunication industry.
The firm comprises focused service disciplines that work independently and as part of multidisciplined teams. This internal structure enables the firm to assemble highly qualified teams to address the planning, permitting, design, and construction needs for a wide range of projects. In our planning and design efforts, firm professionals are dedicated to seeking results that contribute to the health, safety, and well-being of the communities we serve.
Successful planning, design, and construction require proactive management of regulatory impacts, expertise in addressing technical challenges, and a thorough evaluation of potential costs. The firm’s comprehensive range of technical services and extensive project experience help clients realize their objectives while minimizing risk and expense.
D&K is employee-owned and remains committed to being a locally owned professional services firm. The firm seeks to provide opportunities for professionals who have a passion for their discipline area and senior management is committed to providing the necessary support to facilitate the success and continual growth of the firm’s service providers.
Commitment to Quality
Firm professionals understand that clients are trusting that the information communicated through our services and documents is appropriate, accurate, and technically sound. We realize that the quality of our work is the key to success and longevity. To assure a high level of quality is maintained, D&K’s quality management procedures are an integral component of each project.
Quality assurance and control is embedded within the firm’s project management system, providing for the involvement of senior staff throughout a project’s life.
The commitment to quality begins with the project start-up meeting and continues through final delivery of services.
Community Commitment
DuBois & King provides corporate and staff support of numerous initiatives throughout the communities we serve. Firm staff are members of local community organizations, school boards, and selectboards, and provide mentoring and coaching for after school activities and athletics. The firm is a donor and sponsor of community arts programs and organizations. For years, the firm has been a supporter of the Vermont Symphony Orchestra’s Summer Festival Tour.
The firm actively fosters interest in the sciences and engineering. The DuBois &
King Scholarship is awarded to selected graduating high school students pursuing college degrees in engineering, planning, architecture, earth and environmental science, and surveying. Area school students who seek to learn more about the fields of engineering and business have the opportunity to job shadow DuBois & King employees.