Gateway Enhancements
Alburgh, Vermont
The Town of Alburgh received a Transportation Enhancement (TE) Grant and a Federal Earmark for the Alburgh Gateway Enhancement Project, a study of a one-mile-long corridor through the Village on US Route 2. DuBois & King provided Phase A (Project Definition) services including identification of traffic calming alternatives, improvements to pedestrian safety and mobility, and cost estimates.
Professional services include a topographic field survey; identification of natural and cultural resources, right-of-way, property limits, and utilities; development of a Purpose and Need Statement, project cost estimates, conceptual plans, and a public outreach program; and completion of a Categorical Exclusion (CE) document. The study included investigations to replace and add sidewalks, improve and add crosswalks, provide gateway enhancements, and improve signage. Other considerations include shifting lane alignments and adding bicycle lanes to improve mobility throughout the corridor.