
Traffic Circulation and Streetscape Study


Portland, Maine

A traffic circulation and streetscape study of the Libbytown area, a section of the City of Portland located between the Portland Transportation Center and downtown. Libbytown is currently divided by I-295, reducing the area’s value and function as a neighborhood. The study considered a variety of options to improve connectivity including reconfiguring or redesigning ramps, converting one-way streets to two-way traffic, evaluating traffic circulation improvement options, enhancing the pedestrian and bicycle network, and developing streetscape planning to improve livability and a sense of neighborhood.

Public and stakeholder engagement was an important component of this project. The project team was successful in communicating technical transportation issues to the public and building an understanding of project issues among the residents and stakeholders and in developing a consensus for the preferred alternative.

  • Libbytown Traffic
  • Libbytown Traffic Libbytown Traffic
  • Libbytown Traffic Libbytown Traffic
  • Libbytown Traffic Libbytown Traffic
  • Libbytown Traffic Libbytown Traffic
  • Libbytown Traffic Libbytown Traffic
  • Libbytown Traffic Libbytown Traffic

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