Upper Damon Reservoir Dam Reconstruction
Rindge, New Hampshire
Upper Damon Reservoir is a privately owned, 55-acre impoundment with a drainage area of approximately 10.8 square miles. The dam is classified as a High Hazard structure, which was originally constructed over 100 years ago. The preexisting dam consisted of a mortared stone masonry spillway approximately 135 ft long and 15 ft high. The primary concern with the preexisting dam was the structural stability of the stone spillway and the inadequate freeboard of and uncontrolled seepage through the earth embankment. D&K designed the replacement structure using Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) for its strength, safety, and durability. The design made use of on-site material to manufacture/produce the RCC at the project site over a 24-hour-a-day/7-day-a-week operation with local contractors. RCC is low maintenance, with an expected service life of 75 years or more. The project was the first use of RCC for an active spillway in the State of New Hampshire, and received an Engineering Excellence Award in the Water Resources category from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC-NH). Services include:
Engineering safety inspection
Preparation of EAP
Identification of deficiencies
Hydrologic/hydraulic analysis
Structural assessment
Geotechnical assessment
Breach analysis
Evaluation of repair alternatives
Cost analysis
Preparation of an engineering report
Final Plans and Specifications
Construction phase services