US 2/302 Roundabout Construction Inspection and Testing Services
Montpelier, Vermont
Provided construction inspection and testing services for a new high volume traffic roundabout at the junction of US Routes 302 and 2. Project included the roundabout and 3,700 ft of roadway approach improvements. Key components of the project include two railroad crossing improvements (signals, grade crossing, rail seals, etc) and new sidewalks, lighting, traffic signage, landscaping, storm drain work, pavement markings, and other incidental work. D&K was responsible for resident inspection including field measurements, traffic monitoring, onsite meetings, change orders, and records of construction activities. Materials testing followed the requirements of the VTrans Materials Sampling Manual. D&K coordinated closely with the VTrans Materials & Research Section to coordinate and assure a cooperative Independent Assurance Program for testing, proper submission of mix designs, and other related functions.