VTrans Brandon Brook Slope Stabilization/Stream Restoration
Rochester, Vermont
Design and construction services for emergency river and roadway reconstruction at several intersections of Brandon Brook and Route 73 following Tropical Storm Irene. Initial road reconstruction, as well as the flood itself, resulted in significant channel instability and complete loss of habitat in three locations, totaling approximately 2,900-ft. Channel stabilization design features included 13 stone weirs to create habitat. The design elevated the channel bottom to increase channel width. Channel stabilization also restored floodplain access and reduced the potential for undermining of the new riprap on the roadway embankment. Rehabilitation included stone veins to direct flow away from the roadway and to restore habitat. The channel was seeded with hundreds of randomly placed boulders to provide habitat shelter and structure for natural growth. Prepared simple plans for contractor use and provided on-site (in-river) direction.
River inspection
Geomorphic assessment
Field design
Restoration plans
Regulatory coordination
Construction direction