West Street Reconstruction
Randolph, Braintree, Brookfield, Vermont
Project started with an alternatives analysis to determine the best option for reconstruction or relocation of a 1.3-mile portion of West Street, which was partially destroyed by flooding. Alternatives included closing the road permanently, reconstructing on the existing alignment, and relocating on one of three different alignments. D&K engineers proceeded to developed preliminary engineering, final design, and contract documents for the preferred alternative, which was to reconstruct the road on the existing alignment. The scope of services included field survey, development of line and grade, partial relocation of the adjacent stream, streambank stabilization, coordination with VT ANR and USACOE, design of a new precast concrete box culvert, and quantity and cost estimates. The project was considered an emergency action and was cost-shared between the Towns, the State, and FEMA. Services included:
Alternatives analysis
Hydraulic and hydrologic study
Preliminary engineering
Bridge culvert design
Topographic survey
Conceptual, preliminary, and final design
Stream relocation/stabilization
Construction observation
Final design
Bid phase services
Contract documents