Wolcott Hydro Dam Safety Inspection, Design of Repairs, and Breach Analysis
Hardwick, Vermont
DuBois & King performed a dam safety inspection and evaluation of a 90-year-old, hydroelectric dam owned by the Hardwick Electric Department. The dam is a 384-ft-long, 52-ft-high concrete gravity dam founded on bedrock with an ogee spillway. As part of the inspection, the dam’s hazard classification was reconfirmed. Recommendations and priorities for rehabilitation measures were identified. A breach analysis and inundation mapping were also performed to properly inform revisions to the Emergency Action Plan. Professional services included:
Identification and evaluation of deficiencies
Inspection report (findings/priorities for maintenance program)
Confirmation of classification as a High Hazard Dam
Recommendation for revised Emergency Action Plan
Breach analysis
Inundation mapping
Design of repairs, including a yielding flashboard
Permitting for dredging of sediment