
West Cove Bridge


D&K conducted a visual inspection of a two-lane, circa 1978 steel beam bridge with a covered sidewalk. The existing laminated timber deck structure is supported by concrete abutments on piles, spanning 69 ft over Eastman Lake. Field inspection included a complete visual inspection of all accessible bridge components. Measurements and photographs recorded existing conditions and D&K engineers noted observed deficiencies. We completed a review of existing engineering drawings and inspection reports for the current structure, as provided by Eastman Community Association (ECA). D&K completed an inspection report, complete with color photos and construction cost estimate, including conclusions and recommendations for short- and long-term improvements to deteriorating steel beams and eroding abutments. ECA decided to replace the deck and retain the steel beams and abutments.

D&K prepared contract drawings detailing replacement of the existing timber deck with a new glue laminated timber deck. The project required cutting and moving the existing covered walkway several feet to make room for construction of the new deck.

Professional Services

Field inspection
Review of existing data
Preparation of a Recommendations Report
Cost estimates
Preparation of contract drawings
Construction observation

Laconia Main Street Bridge Rehabilitation


Professional engineering services to evaluate existing conditions, repair, and replacement alternatives for the Main Street Bridge, the primary crossing over the Winnipesaukee River and predominant access in and out of the downtown area. The bridge consists of three distinct and separate bridge structures that each carries a City street (Beacon Street East, Main Street, and Beacon Street West). The three streets and bridge structures converge at a point to make one overall bridge structure at the street intersections. The Beacon Street East segment is a 137-ft, 80-ft-wide curved bridge, constructed in 1968. The Main Street segment is a 75-ft by 69-ft-wide structure, constructed in 1970. The Beacon Street West segment is a 137-ft, 70-ft-wide, curved bridge, constructed in 1968.

Services include: topographic survey and preparation of a base map; sampling of paint to be tested for lead; determination of needed repair or replacement for structural items; collection of data for two other area projects to evaluate recommendations and impacts on pedestrian safety, access, and egress; preparation of a Project Review and Compliance form; a bridge type study; evaluation of operation and equipment of the existing traffic signal at the Main Street-Beacon Street and the Main Street-Court Street intersections; engineering study; and preparation of preliminary and final bridges plans, estimates, and bid documents.

Recommended repairs include removal and replacement of the concrete decks and fixed and expansion bearing plates, cleaning and painting of all steel surfaces, repair or replacement of deteriorated stringers and concrete abutments and piers, replacement of all deck expansion joints and substandard bridge rails, and addition of new approach rails.

Lebanon Altaria Third Party Inspection


D&K provided third party construction inspection services for the Altaria project located off NH Route 120 in Lebanon. This project was the first phase of a large 8-lot Industrial Planned Unit Development, which was centered on a new Element Hotel, and included preparing the balance of the site for future phases. Full-time third party inspection services were provided. Project included new access road; site roads; extending off-site municipal water and sewer utilities to the site and hotel; a significant wastewater pumping station; and stormwater collection and treatment facilities, which included a number of rain garden features and detention/treatment facilities. Construction inspection services spanned two consecutive construction seasons. Services included observing contractor activities, preparing daily reports, quantity tracking and verification, selected submittal review, photographic documentation of construction progress, observing the services of an outside testing agency, preparing record drawing documentation, and frequent communications with the City.

Brookline NH Route 130 Sidewalk


Transportation Enhancement grant sidewalk project to design and construct new sections of sidewalk on Route 130, totaling 4,800 lf. The sections of sidewalk connect the Town’s safety complex with an existing sidewalk on the north side of the Town’s center at Austin Road and link South Main Street with the intersection of Main and Elm Streets. Services include survey, design, permitting, public outreach, ROW, utility coordination, bid phase assistance, and construction administration and observation. Permitting includes CE documentation and Section 106 cultural resources. The project was randomly selected by FHWA for Federal audit and found to be in full compliance. This project followed the NHDOT Local Public Agency (LPA) process.

Construction Inspection of VT 66 Reclaim


D&K served as Chief Inspector for reclaiming and repaving 7.2 miles of VT Route 66. Services included engineering design and plan development, roadway banking improvements, pavement markings, signage, pedestrian ramps, guardrail improvements, truncated domes, rehabilitation of drainage structures, and cost/quantity estimation. As Chief Inspector, D&K oversaw the work of one state employee and another consultant inspector. Provided coordination with adjacent landowners to resolve issues of drainage and driveway access.