
Base Survey Control Benchmarks


DuBois & King’s survey team established base survey control benchmarks for the monitoring of SMIA (Salt Marsh Integrity Assessment) sites. The project’s objective is to identify existing and establish new geodetic survey benchmarks that are all defined by the same relative elevation datum. The benchmarks were established at 10 national wildlife refuges in the states of Virginia, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Maine.

Eastman East Lake Road Drainage


The Eastman Community Association (ECA) selected DuBois & King to assess existing conditions (including stormwater patterns, drainage infrastructure, erosion areas, roadway conditions and subsurface conditions) to evaluate stormwater quality, erosion and roadway improvements to mitigate water quality impact to Eastman Lake. Located within the sub-association of the Eastlake Condominium Association (ELCA), DuBois & King collaborated with both stakeholders on developing improvement alternatives. The engineering study discussed roadway surface, stormwater collection and stormwater treatment options enhance water quality discharging to the lake. An engineering study recommending the preferred alternative, project phasing and anticipated construction costs has been approved by the ECA and ELCA project committee. A Public Hearing is scheduled to receive public feedback that will ultimately lead to the design/development phase of the project.

Construction of the recommended improvements are scheduled to be completed Summer 2017. DuBois & King staff are providing hydraulic and hydrologic (H&H) analysis, drainage system design, geotechnical engineering, wetland delineation, survey, and permitting assistance to advance the project from study phase to design phase and though construction.

VTrans Survey Services


On-call contract to provide a wide range of survey services in support of Route Survey Unit mission on assignments throughout State. Services encompass two-dimensional and three-dimensional preliminary surveys, traverses, level loops, roadway centerline, runway centerline, staking for borings, staking for right-of-way bounds, cross-sections, property surveys, historic right-of-way research, providing control for photogrammetry, and as-builts. Work also includes providing all field notes in electronic format for topographic surveys (2D and 3D) and/or paper notes for traverses, curve data, ties, and benchlines. Specific assignments include:

Brandon, Pittsford. Historic right-of-way determination for US 7 and side streets in the Village. Performed Town record research for road survey before and after 1850, and compiled and analyzed VTrans data, parcel abstracts, and Secretary of State and other State and county records. Produced right-of-way plans, Town Road Report of surveys before 1850, and a Project Report to explain and defend historic right-of-way determination. Set monumentation on Route 7 and adjoining side street right-of-way limits. Produced plans for the resurvey of Route 7 to be recorded.

Parking Garage, Rutland. ALTA/ACSM survey of parking garage parcel based on record research of recent acquisitions of properties by the City and State to create a parcel for the parking garage and access routes.

Rutland City Bridge, Rutland. Survey and plans to realign a 210-ft bridge at the intersection of Town Highways 8 and 10. Full topographic survey for 2,000-ft of roadway and 300-ft of stream channel. Details include wingwall locations, dimensions, and elevations; abutment locations with bridge seat dimensions and elevations; and pier locations, dimensions, and elevations.

Otter Creek Bridge, Salisbury and Cornwall. 200-ft survey of Route 7 and 100-ft survey of a channel for a bridge rehabilitation located in a floodplain area. Topographic plans included right-of-way limits, drives, intersections, and drainage features within project limits.

I-89 St. Albans to Swanton. 6-miles of interstate survey on both the north and south bound lanes including control traverse and topographic surveys for reconstruction of the sub-base and five bridge decks and seven culverts.

Roadway Improvement Projects. Under multi-year contracts, provided survey for 14 roadway improvement design projects, encompassing over 80-miles of roadway throughout the State of Vermont, including field survey, base mapping, and construction layout.

Verizon Wireless Cell Tower Site Development


Site engineering and survey services for the development of new tower sites and collocation sites. D&K has provided site development and survey services for over 200 locations. Site locations include buildings; farm silos; and urban, rural, mountain, and wooded areas.

Project assignments involve establishing control by Global Positioning System (GPS), control traverse, verifying and establishing bench marks, locating existing property lines and access easements, topographic survey of road and site, locating existing utilities, stakeout for permitting, fly balloons for photo simulations, providing photo simulation control data to photo specialist, stakeout for construction, establishing true north line from tower, and record drawings of site and tower. For sites featuring existing towers xyz datum is provided on all existing antennas and tower sections. Review of existing easements to verify there is no possible conflicts with proposed construction and improvements.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Nationwide Dams Survey Services


Contract to provide survey services as a subconsultant on a Nationwide Dam contract for USDA NRCS. Work was completed following NRCS Survey Standards and guidelines established under the Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) and Grassland Reserve Program (GRP). All survey data was provided in state plane metafile format for NRCS records. Assignments include:

Wiscasset, ME. Survey of a dam, a 30 acre pond, and 3 miles of stream for dam removal construction easements and new brook conservation Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) easement. Services include boundary survey, research, monumentation, and platting.

Madawaska, ME. Survey of a dam and easements necessary for dam removal on Martin’s Brook in the Township of Madawaska, Maine, on existing lands of the Town of Madawaska. Services include boundary surveys, research, monumentation, and platting.

Bow and Milton Mills, NH (2 sites). Surveys of two separate parcels of approximately 170 acres each for WRP lands in the Townships of Bow and Milton Mills, New Hampshire. Services include boundary surveys, research, monumentation, and platting.

Stewartstown, NH. Survey of an approximate 50 acre parcel to be preserved in the GRP program in the Township of Stewartstown, New Hampshire. Services included boundary surveys, research, monumentation, and platting.