Jun 032016

Gilman Road

Gilman Road The Town of Royalton, Vermont’s Gilman Road Relocation project was recognized by the National Association of Development Organization’s (NADO) 2016 Excellence in Regional Transportation Awards. The project, designed by DuBois & King (D&K), was selected for demonstrating innovative transportation resiliency. The award program is recognizing 30 noteworthy national projects that met regional transportation needs in innovative ways.

The Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) was instrumental in procuring funding for the project, administering the grant, and providing NEPA documentation. TRORC provides planning, mapping, facilitation, grant writing, and project management services to thirty member towns in Vermont. TRORC Senior Planner Rita Seto will be attending NADO’s annual National Regional Transportation Conference in June to accept the award.

Tropical Storm Irene caused failure of 400 linear feet of the Gilman Road embankment along the White River. The 80-feet high riverbank failed as flooding caused significant erosion at the toe of the embankment. The embankment was unstable, vulnerable to further damage, and threatened the roadway above. DuBois & King worked with the Town to oversee, manage, and execute multiple Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-funded projects, including the reconstruction, stabilization, and relocation of Gilman Road.

Visit https://www.nado.org/events/rpo2016/ to learn more about the upcoming 2016 National Regional Transportation Conference.

photos right: Gilman Road
