
Environmental Services, Searsburg Wilmington


Wilmington, Vermont

Assisted the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) in the identification of environmental resources, assessing potential impacts, and designing and permitting for a wetland mitigation complex to compensate for unavoidable wetland impacts associated with a US Route 9 improvement project. Assisted VTrans in the overall environmental permitting for this project, including the Act 250 and stormwater discharge permit processes. As a part of this process, discussion focused upon the proposed river channel relocation and the desire of resource agencies/special interest groups to redesign the project.

Services included developing strategies to address project impacts, and preparing testimony and attendance at Act 250 and District Environmental Commission hearings. Stormwater services included estimating changes in impervious surface area and documenting existing roadway conditions/treatment of stormwater runoff. Coordinated with Agency of Natural Resources for concurrence on stormwater discharge permit, developed a scope of services to design improvements for the proposed channel relocation in accordance with current restoration practices, and completed a field walk-over of proposed alignment shift to determine presence of wetlands.

  • Searsburg-Wilmington
  • Searsburg-Wilmington Searsburg-Wilmington

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