Newport State Airport
Newport, Vermont
Newport State Airport is a public use aviation facility generating approximately 7,140 operations per year (approximately 550 local general aviation operations, 1,460 transient general aviation operations, and 180 military operations). Two runways, Runway 18-36 and Runway 5-23 (crosswind runway), are both asphalt surfaced runways, 4,000 ft by 100 ft. Airport landside facilities include small terminal building, automobile parking, and four hangars.
DuBois & King designed a 2.4-acre expansion of the paved apron area north of the terminal building to accommodate up to 23 aircraft tie-downs and access to new hanger buildings; new connector taxiway B1 between the new tie-down area and existing taxiway B; and new stormwater management system to address treatment and control of stormwater runoff from the new impervious surface areas including future hanger building. D&K engineers provided permitting assistance for State stormwater discharge permit and for Act 250. Services included:
Runway reconstruction
Tie-down apron design
Master plan update
Construction phase services