Pleasant Valley Estates Mobile Home Park Sewer Extension
Claremont, New Hampshire
Planning, design, and construction phase services for sewer extension to serve the Pleasant Valley Estates (PVE) housing cooperative, a mobile home park located in Claremont, New Hampshire. Project involved detailed review of alternative conceptual sewer plans (“gravity” vs. pumping), checking and updating of conceptual cost estimates, and recommendation for the most cost-effective alternative.
The $1.5-million project included approximately 4,000 lf of 8-inch trunk sewer, 2,000 lf of force main, one primary pump station (vacuum prime, 250-GPM), Route 12 Highway boring and casing, and approximately 80 house service reconnections. Services also involved coordination with PVE board members and representatives and City of Claremont Planning and Development Department, and completion of project funding requirements with New Hampshire Community Loan Fund (NHCLF), the City, and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES).