Veteran’s Reservoir Amphibian Habitat Mitigation Site
Bennington, Vermont
DuBois & King documented an amphibian habitat to be impacted by the Bennington Bypass construction and designed an amphibian habitat mitigation site to replace breeding habitat. The design involved the reconstruction of an abandoned water supply pond by reconstruction of the weir, grading to create optimum pool depths, provision of a fish barrier, plantings and placement of woody debris for egg attachment sites, and provision of boulders and woody debris for sunning sites. Provided construction monitoring and post construction monitoring, with documentation of breeding by wood frogs and ambystomids.
Rehabilitation services – Due to storm damage from Tropical Storm Irene, the Vermont Agency of Transportation needed to determine the extent of damage to the Veteran’s Reservoir amphibian mitigation site and options for rehabilitation. DuBois & King performed a study to determine the hydrology and rehabilitation options for the amphibian habitat mitigation site. The site consists of a former water supply impoundment, which was inundated and partially filled with sediment during the storm.
Study to determine the feasibility of remedial measures:
Dredging of accumulated sediment
Raising of the fish barrier without removing sediment
Dam removal
Separation of the impoundment from the stream
Professional services included:
Wetland delineation
Hydrology and hydraulics
Topographic survey
Field review of the existing stream channel
USACE and wetland permitting services