VTrans Chittenden County Circumferential Highway
Chittenden County, Vermont
Environmental documentation, natural resource identification, alternatives assessment, and permitting for a 16.7-mile limited access highway on a new alignment in Chittenden County. Services include:
Draft and final Environmental Impact Statement
Resource identification, assessment, and mapping
Coordination with local, State, and Federal regulators
Section 4(f) and 6(f) documentation
Identification of equivalent replacement land
Wetland delineation/mitigation
Design of three wetland compensation sites
Vermont Act 250
404 Master Permit
401 Water Quality Certification
Threatened and Endangered Species Permit
Stormwater Discharge Permits
Construction Stormwater Permit
Air Quality Permit
Stream Alteration Permits
Visual Impact Analysis and landscape design
Public participation/presentation and hearings
NEPA reevaluation