Windham Depot Area Improvements
Windham, New Hampshire
Prime consultant and site engineering services for rehabilitation of a historic district facility. D&K engineers worked with the Town of Windham’s Administrator and the Windham Depot Advisory Committee to prepare design documents (plans and specifications) for the stabilization of the existing Depot Train Station and Freight House buildings and construction of parking and open/common-space for users of the Windham portion of the Salem to Concord Bikeway. The project was funded by an NHDOT Transportation Enhancement (TE) grant, the Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and the Town of Windham. Services included site design, stormwater management, erosion control management, site landscaping, environmental permitting, and architectural coordination. Project included:
Rehabilitating train/freight buildings to mimic original condition
Installing new electrical, toilet facilities, and cosmetic improvements
Constructing 37 parking spaces to service Salem to Concord bike path
Constructing parking for winter motorized/equestrian recreation
Creating a green space and picnic area space