
High Street Slope Stabilization


Greenville, New Hampshire

A landslide occurred on a steep slope between High Street and the Otis Falls Hydro impoundment on the Souhegan River following a prolonged period of heavy rain. High Street and one private residence were threatened by the potential for continuing slope failure. DuBois & King performed final slope stabilization design to include a sheet pile retaining wall at the top of the failure scarp and stabilization of the lower slope with rock riprap. DuBois & King provided bidding assistance to the Town. Services include FEMA Grant Application, data and field investigations, geotechnical investigations, survey, wetland mapping, consultation with sheet pile contractor, utility coordination, environmental permitting, coordination with nearby landowners and oversight agencies, preparation of easement plans, and construction phase administration.

  • High Street Slope
  • High Street Slope High Street Slope
  • High Street Slope High Street Slope
  • High Street Slope High Street Slope
  • High Street Slope High Street Slope
  • High Street Slope High Street Slope
  • High Street Slope High Street Slope
  • High Street Slope High Street Slope
  • High Street Slope High Street Slope

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