
VT 116 Corridor Study


Hinesburg, Vermont

Working with the Town of Hinesburg and the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, D&K prepared a corridor plan for Route 116 through the Town of Hinesburg’s village area. While traffic congestion occurs regularly during the peak hours, the Town is exploring a wide range of strategies that may alleviate congestion, while enhancing the village for other modes of transportation and economic vitality. The plan is comprehensive and explores land use, growth, street connectivity, and safety and efficiency for all modes of transportation. Additional considerations are the future jurisdiction and management of Route 116, and stormwater management and mitigation actions that can be implemented through transportation projects. Services included:

Rights-of-way, utilities, and resource identification
Base mapping utilizing GIS
Multimodal traffic forecasts
Public meetings
Analysis of alternative strategies
Analysis of options for local control of Route through village
Conceptual design of multimodal improvements
Recommendations for land use
Recommendations for multimodal transportation

  • 116 Corridor Study
  • 116 Corridor Study 116 Corridor Study
  • 116 Corridor Study 116 Corridor Study
  • 116 Corridor Study 116 Corridor Study
  • 116 Corridor Study 116 Corridor Study
  • 116 Corridor Study 116 Corridor Study
  • 116 Corridor Study 116 Corridor Study
  • 116 Corridor Study 116 Corridor Study

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