
Glenwood Avenue Reconstruction


Dover, New Hampshire

Street and infrastructure upgrade and replacement program for reconstruction of approximately 5,900 ft of Glenwood Avenue. Full-depth street reconstruction and geometric design acknowledged and integrated existing traffic sensing/signalization systems at major intersection. Services included concrete sidewalk with granite curbing replacements to improve pedestrian safety and accommodate wider roadway width, landscape improvements, and guardrail modifications. Design included handicapped ramps, relocation of power poles, hydrants, water shut-offs, mailboxes, and matching existing residential walkways.

Provided stormwater analysis of project area for return frequency storms up to 100 years, including drainage systems/areas contributing runoff to Glenwood Avenue. Based on existing system condition (“old” clay tile piping and root intrusions), the design replaced 3,100-lf of sanitary sewer.

Completed topographic surveys, right-of-way and easement delineation, stormwater analysis reports and design, wetland delineation and permit application, utility coordination/utility pole relocation, retaining walls, sedimentation/erosion control plan, final design drawings, bid assistance, and construction phase services.

DuBois & King established an aggressive design schedule to deliver sanitary sewer design within 75 days of Notice to Proceed. Schedule allowed phased approach to construction in accordance with the City’s priorities and funding availability.

  • Glenwood Avenue
  • Glenwood Avenue Glenwood Avenue
  • Glenwood Avenue Glenwood Avenue
  • Glenwood Avenue Glenwood Avenue
  • Glenwood Avenue Glenwood Avenue

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